Selling Contagious Poison, As Food And Recreation, Is My Big Question To America
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Intelligent Party
2021-06-26 19:25:39 UTC
Selling Contagious Poison, As Food And Recreation, Is My Big Question To America

Consumers are not even warned?

Employees are not even informed the job is to get COVID?

Waiters don't produce equity. After the service is over there is nothing to show
for it.

Rather than "Non-Essential Services," "Commercial Entertainment Services" should
be eliminated.

People TOIL for others entertainment, and amusement? Work is CREATED this way?

We let people take this big risk for entertainment which doesn't create any equity?

At least people in a movie, create a movie we have for 100 years.

"Commercial Entertainment Services:" I am talking about Broadway, Circuses, Vegas
Shows, The Opera, Waiters, and Whores.

If there is a substitute product, such as take-out for dine-in, then total
prohibition may be alright. We should endeavor to not create an illegal market,
but whores don't produce anything. Sex and property are the mountain between us.
So the lack of a substitute product seems to go to just whores, and I'm not saying
we should or shouldn't have them, but I don't agree with punishment.

Health Clubs are not even close to the same basket as "Commercial Entertainment

Then there's haircuts, pedicures, and gardeners. The work they provide doesn't
last for long.

I think I may never hire another waiter in my life. That's not the sort of job I
like to provide. I understand the Restaurant industry is huge. It is also
apparently a huge waste. Do you want to finance more kitchens for quality
take-out, or more Restaurants? We can only spend so much, and we don't have
property at the bottom. Waiters, rather, should be producing equity, or going to
school for free. Waiters could be allowed to spend the same without working, and
it wouldn't do anything at all to the economy, people would just not 'enjoy' waiters.

The governments would pull poisonous lettuce off the shelves, but there would be
other lettuce for sale. They pulled Tryptophan, which killed several people, off
the shelves for ten years, without a substitute product; do you think that was
wrong? COVID is not just poisonous food for sale at Restaurants; COVID is
contagious poisonous food for sale at restaurants. The government prohibits
poisonous drugs to be sold as recreational party-fun. COVID is not just poison
sold as recreational party-fun; COVID is contagious poison sold as recreational

Selling contagious poison, as food and recreation, is my big question to America.
And taking such a big health risk, for entertainment, which doesn't produce any
equity. But actually my question is why have such "Commercial Entertainment
Services" work, allowed in the first place. That's what we want to trade? So the
waiter can go out to eat, if there ever is a post-COVID? It's not going to make
us rich. Instead he could produce, and buy, a nicer dinning room table. Rather
than endless toil.
(And porn-stars, unlike whores, yet like a table producer, and like a movie star,
produce a product. Still, the general principle of employment law, is the work
ought not be unnecessarily dangerous, unnecessarily unsanitary, unnecessarily
injurious, nor unnecessarily painful. So, as to professional sports, they only
sort of produce a product. I doubt they'll start playing flag football in place
of NFL, or get rid of boxing anytime soon, but the purpose of Ultimate Fighting
was supposedly to figure out which martial art works best; and have they figured
that out?, and do we really need Ultimate Fighting? They can keep the
bull-fighting in Mexico, or else we'll have dog fighting and cock fighting and
other such stuff soon here. (Animal cruelty, is not a legal persuasion.) And yet
these Sports barely produce a product, too; like you watch reruns of the NFL or
Olympics much. If you want to play High School for free, or intramural, that's
another matter. But the two issues are: employed to commit self-harm; and,
working for other's amusement producing no equity.)

Making salaries more equitable, could be another way to address the matter. Based
on the above, you couldn't ever have a servant for a Birthday party, nor a
Wedding. Yet still, do you need one? But having to pay more equitably, that is
every person more equal consumption, for an hour worked; could mean not
frivolously employing a waiter, vs. not paying an NFL star to risk his life. While
we all need to hold equity and savings, we could all consume the same, but some
person owns the Empire State Building.
But even with slave labor, Waiters don't build the economy, and a lot of what is
going on right now *is* about building the economy. At least slaves would build
real equity. Waiters will not. So while one way of solving the problem could be
paying more equal consumption per hour worked, thus we would not frivolously
employ, nor compel risk taking, for pay, nor high pay, we do need, at the same
time, to hold capital savings in private hands.

All the above said; working to commit the self harm of risking COVID, and building
no equity, while doing so, both at the same time, is really the big issue here.
There's no argument in my mind that it's ludicrous. Even so, people need jobs,
but it would be/should be, COVID that put them out of a job, but I guess people
merely take risks for money, which is serious, when they have no other option.

It's more the fruits of our Capital, that produces, than our labor. Maybe
ex-waiters, and the like, should just have free cash to spend, to a degree. With
still more incentive than that, to earn, as we need to finance Capital and
Intellectual Capital - School, to make the Country yet wealthier.... Perhaps money
if you're trying to get to School, or are going to school. The Macro-Economy is
at stake here.

A movie theater can be run by a few people, serving hundreds. And let's not
confuse Commercial Entertainment *Services*, with Commercial Entertainment
*Capital*. We do want Big Screen T.V.'s right? For if we went to prohibiting
Capital, it could be anything... from Children's Toys to Christmas Trees. Anything
that you enjoy. Still, jewelry made out of Gold is a colossal waste. People die
mining Gold all day. Costume jewelry may be a sufficient substitute product. (In
Russia, the waste of the likes of the Faberge Eggs - extremely expensive art -
contributed the Russian civil war, and over half a century of Marxist Communism,
which caused the Cold War.)

Selling contagious poison, as food and recreation, while building no equity, is
yet my big question to America. The more we study and think about this issue the
richer we may become. COVID is a new and fairly unstudied topic. As the more you
analyze, the more you know how to allocate, and the richer you become. What do
logic, reason, and intelligence ultimately and further dictate? To know, we have
to think. This is a question so far, if it's not clear.

"Those who remember always that they know nothing, and who have become willing to
learn everything, will learn it.
...Think not you understand anything until you pass the test of perfect peace" - A
Course in Miracles

"My fellow Americans, you're owed nothing less than the truth." - President Joe
Biden, - March 11, 2021

How is there non-essential work being done, ever. While "work from home if you
can" is a great law, and taking all consumer and employee precautions, and
protection, is imperative; isn't all work essential?

Rather than "Non-Essential Services," "Commercial Entertainment Services" and
perhaps "Commercial Entertainment Real Estate," should be eliminated.

If the movie theater were a "public" structure, that could be reserved to show
your rented movie to hundreds, at least we would be able to use the structure over
and over, vs. building a movie theater or a football stadium instead of housing.
Yet the people providing the "non-essential entertainment service" produce no
equity whatsoever, and after the waiter's work is done, he goes home having
produced NOTHING. No dinning room table to last years. A mere food store in the
movie theater is notwithstanding.

So "Public" Entertainment Real Estate," is that still bad? So, do we want
"Entertainment Real Estate" at all?

1. Real Property, 2. Personal Property, 3. Consumption.
Service is a Consumption, unless it produces Personal Property (or Real Property).
Consumption is all gone once the work's done. A gardener's work lasts a couple
weeks. I guess you have memories of a waiter's service.

Plus, is it really anyone's passion to be a waiter? How about a masseuse, or a
whore, or are those even more important than haircuts as healthcare, but do people
want to do it, how about to be in a show, on Broadway or in a play? It's their
passion? You think it's not work? People should wake up happy every day to work.
Are these people happy? Don't we want to eliminate _work_? Life is about art,
and science, and friends.

Should _art_ be all hobby? You can cook for your friends. Not be enslaved for
other's entertainment and amusement.

"The foundation of empire is art and science. Remove them or degrade them, and
the empire is no more.
Empire follows art and not vice versa as Englishmen suppose." - William Blake

"Sex and art are the same thing." - Pablo Picasso

Left Brain/Right Brain = Science/Art

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."
- Albert Einstein

"Beauty is truth, truth beauty,"—that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to
know." - John Keats

... if you have industry and science and you're rich!

"Love is your power, which... gives you everything."
- Jesus Christ, A Course in Miracles, Chapter 7, Section 6
Intelligent Party
2021-06-29 15:50:40 UTC
Post by Intelligent Party
Selling Contagious Poison, As Food And Recreation, Is My Big Question To America
Consumers are not even warned?
Employees are not even informed the job is to get COVID?
Waiters don't produce equity. After the service is over there is nothing to show
for it.
Rather than "Non-Essential Services," "Commercial Entertainment Services" should
be eliminated.
People TOIL for others entertainment, and amusement? Work is CREATED this way?
We let people take this big risk for entertainment which doesn't create any equity?
At least people in a movie, create a movie we have for 100 years.
"Commercial Entertainment Services:" I am talking about Broadway, Circuses, Vegas
Shows, The Opera, Waiters, and Whores.
If there is a substitute product, such as take-out for dine-in, then total
prohibition may be alright. We should endeavor to not create an illegal market,
but whores don't produce anything. Sex and property are the mountain between us.
So the lack of a substitute product seems to go to just whores, and I'm not saying
we should or shouldn't have them, but I don't agree with punishment.
Health Clubs are not even close to the same basket as "Commercial Entertainment
Then there's haircuts, pedicures, and gardeners. The work they provide doesn't
last for long.
I think I may never hire another waiter in my life. That's not the sort of job I
like to provide. I understand the Restaurant industry is huge. It is also
apparently a huge waste. Do you want to finance more kitchens for quality
take-out, or more Restaurants? We can only spend so much, and we don't have
property at the bottom. Waiters, rather, should be producing equity, or going to
school for free. Waiters could be allowed to spend the same without working, and
it wouldn't do anything at all to the economy, people would just not 'enjoy' waiters.
The governments would pull poisonous lettuce off the shelves, but there would be
other lettuce for sale. They pulled Tryptophan, which killed several people, off
the shelves for ten years, without a substitute product; do you think that was
wrong? COVID is not just poisonous food for sale at Restaurants; COVID is
contagious poisonous food for sale at restaurants. The government prohibits
poisonous drugs to be sold as recreational party-fun. COVID is not just poison
sold as recreational party-fun; COVID is contagious poison sold as recreational
Selling contagious poison, as food and recreation, is my big question to America.
And taking such a big health risk, for entertainment, which doesn't produce any
equity. But actually my question is why have such "Commercial Entertainment
Services" work, allowed in the first place. That's what we want to trade? So the
waiter can go out to eat, if there ever is a post-COVID? It's not going to make
us rich. Instead he could produce, and buy, a nicer dinning room table. Rather
than endless toil.
(And porn-stars, unlike whores, yet like a table producer, and like a movie star,
produce a product. Still, the general principle of employment law, is the work
ought not be unnecessarily dangerous, unnecessarily unsanitary, unnecessarily
injurious, nor unnecessarily painful. So, as to professional sports, they only
sort of produce a product. I doubt they'll start playing flag football in place
of NFL, or get rid of boxing anytime soon, but the purpose of Ultimate Fighting
was supposedly to figure out which martial art works best; and have they figured
that out?, and do we really need Ultimate Fighting? They can keep the
bull-fighting in Mexico, or else we'll have dog fighting and cock fighting and
other such stuff soon here. (Animal cruelty, is not a legal persuasion.) And yet
these Sports barely produce a product, too; like you watch reruns of the NFL or
Olympics much. If you want to play High School for free, or intramural, that's
another matter. But the two issues are: employed to commit self-harm; and,
working for other's amusement producing no equity.)
Making salaries more equitable, could be another way to address the matter. Based
on the above, you couldn't ever have a servant for a Birthday party, nor a
Wedding. Yet still, do you need one? But having to pay more equitably, that is
every person more equal consumption, for an hour worked; could mean not
frivolously employing a waiter, vs. not paying an NFL star to risk his life. While
we all need to hold equity and savings, we could all consume the same, but some
person owns the Empire State Building.
But even with slave labor, Waiters don't build the economy, and a lot of what is
going on right now *is* about building the economy. At least slaves would build
real equity. Waiters will not. So while one way of solving the problem could be
paying more equal consumption per hour worked, thus we would not frivolously
employ, nor compel risk taking, for pay, nor high pay, we do need, at the same
time, to hold capital savings in private hands.
All the above said; working to commit the self harm of risking COVID, and building
no equity, while doing so, both at the same time, is really the big issue here.
There's no argument in my mind that it's ludicrous. Even so, people need jobs,
but it would be/should be, COVID that put them out of a job, but I guess people
merely take risks for money, which is serious, when they have no other option.
It's more the fruits of our Capital, that produces, than our labor. Maybe
ex-waiters, and the like, should just have free cash to spend, to a degree. With
still more incentive than that, to earn, as we need to finance Capital and
Intellectual Capital - School, to make the Country yet wealthier.... Perhaps money
if you're trying to get to School, or are going to school. The Macro-Economy is
at stake here.
A movie theater can be run by a few people, serving hundreds. And let's not
confuse Commercial Entertainment *Services*, with Commercial Entertainment
*Capital*. We do want Big Screen T.V.'s right? For if we went to prohibiting
Capital, it could be anything... from Children's Toys to Christmas Trees. Anything
that you enjoy. Still, jewelry made out of Gold is a colossal waste. People die
mining Gold all day. Costume jewelry may be a sufficient substitute product. (In
Russia, the waste of the likes of the Faberge Eggs - extremely expensive art -
contributed the Russian civil war, and over half a century of Marxist Communism,
which caused the Cold War.)
Selling contagious poison, as food and recreation, while building no equity, is
yet my big question to America. The more we study and think about this issue the
richer we may become. COVID is a new and fairly unstudied topic. As the more you
analyze, the more you know how to allocate, and the richer you become. What do
logic, reason, and intelligence ultimately and further dictate? To know, we have
to think. This is a question so far, if it's not clear.
"Those who remember always that they know nothing, and who have become willing to
learn everything, will learn it.
...Think not you understand anything until you pass the test of perfect peace" - A
Course in Miracles
"My fellow Americans, you're owed nothing less than the truth." - President Joe
Biden, - March 11, 2021
How is there non-essential work being done, ever. While "work from home if you
can" is a great law, and taking all consumer and employee precautions, and
protection, is imperative; isn't all work essential?
Rather than "Non-Essential Services," "Commercial Entertainment Services" and
perhaps "Commercial Entertainment Real Estate," should be eliminated.
If the movie theater were a "public" structure, that could be reserved to show
your rented movie to hundreds, at least we would be able to use the structure over
and over, vs. building a movie theater or a football stadium instead of housing.
Yet the people providing the "non-essential entertainment service" produce no
equity whatsoever, and after the waiter's work is done, he goes home having
produced NOTHING. No dinning room table to last years. A mere food store in the
movie theater is notwithstanding.
So "Public" Entertainment Real Estate," is that still bad? So, do we want
"Entertainment Real Estate" at all?
1. Real Property, 2. Personal Property, 3. Consumption.
Service is a Consumption, unless it produces Personal Property (or Real Property).
Consumption is all gone once the work's done. A gardener's work lasts a couple
weeks. I guess you have memories of a waiter's service.
Plus, is it really anyone's passion to be a waiter? How about a masseuse, or a
whore, or are those even more important than haircuts as healthcare, but do people
want to do it, how about to be in a show, on Broadway or in a play? It's their
passion? You think it's not work? People should wake up happy every day to work.
Are these people happy? Don't we want to eliminate _work_? Life is about art,
and science, and friends.
Should _art_ be all hobby? You can cook for your friends. Not be enslaved for
other's entertainment and amusement.
"The foundation of empire is art and science. Remove them or degrade them, and
the empire is no more.
Empire follows art and not vice versa as Englishmen suppose." - William Blake
"Sex and art are the same thing." - Pablo Picasso
Left Brain/Right Brain = Science/Art
"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."
- Albert Einstein
"Beauty is truth, truth beauty,"—that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to
know." - John Keats
... if you have industry and science and you're rich!
"Love is your power, which... gives you everything."
- Jesus Christ, A Course in Miracles, Chapter 7, Section 6
Intelligent Party
2021-09-04 19:56:20 UTC
Post by Intelligent Party
Selling Contagious Poison, As Food And Recreation, Is My Big Question To America
Consumers are not even warned?
Employees are not even informed the job is to get COVID?
Waiters don't produce equity. After the service is over there is nothing to show
for it.
Rather than "Non-Essential Services," "Commercial Entertainment Services" should
be eliminated.
People TOIL for others entertainment, and amusement? Work is CREATED this way?
We let people take this big risk for entertainment which doesn't create any equity?
At least people in a movie, create a movie we have for 100 years.
"Commercial Entertainment Services:" I am talking about Broadway, Circuses, Vegas
Shows, The Opera, Waiters, and Whores.
If there is a substitute product, such as take-out for dine-in, then total
prohibition may be alright. We should endeavor to not create an illegal market,
but whores don't produce anything. Sex and property are the mountain between us.
So the lack of a substitute product seems to go to just whores, and I'm not saying
we should or shouldn't have them, but I don't agree with punishment.
Health Clubs are not even close to the same basket as "Commercial Entertainment
Then there's haircuts, pedicures, and gardeners. The work they provide doesn't
last for long.
I think I may never hire another waiter in my life. That's not the sort of job I
like to provide. I understand the Restaurant industry is huge. It is also
apparently a huge waste. Do you want to finance more kitchens for quality
take-out, or more Restaurants? We can only spend so much, and we don't have
property at the bottom. Waiters, rather, should be producing equity, or going to
school for free. Waiters could be allowed to spend the same without working, and
it wouldn't do anything at all to the economy, people would just not 'enjoy' waiters.
The governments would pull poisonous lettuce off the shelves, but there would be
other lettuce for sale. They pulled Tryptophan, which killed several people, off
the shelves for ten years, without a substitute product; do you think that was
wrong? COVID is not just poisonous food for sale at Restaurants; COVID is
contagious poisonous food for sale at restaurants. The government prohibits
poisonous drugs to be sold as recreational party-fun. COVID is not just poison
sold as recreational party-fun; COVID is contagious poison sold as recreational
Selling contagious poison, as food and recreation, is my big question to America.
And taking such a big health risk, for entertainment, which doesn't produce any
equity. But actually my question is why have such "Commercial Entertainment
Services" work, allowed in the first place. That's what we want to trade? So the
waiter can go out to eat, if there ever is a post-COVID? It's not going to make
us rich. Instead he could produce, and buy, a nicer dinning room table. Rather
than endless toil.
(And porn-stars, unlike whores, yet like a table producer, and like a movie star,
produce a product. Still, the general principle of employment law, is the work
ought not be unnecessarily dangerous, unnecessarily unsanitary, unnecessarily
injurious, nor unnecessarily painful. So, as to professional sports, they only
sort of produce a product. I doubt they'll start playing flag football in place
of NFL, or get rid of boxing anytime soon, but the purpose of Ultimate Fighting
was supposedly to figure out which martial art works best; and have they figured
that out?, and do we really need Ultimate Fighting? They can keep the
bull-fighting in Mexico, or else we'll have dog fighting and cock fighting and
other such stuff soon here. (Animal cruelty, is not a legal persuasion.) And yet
these Sports barely produce a product, too; like you watch reruns of the NFL or
Olympics much. If you want to play High School for free, or intramural, that's
another matter. But the two issues are: employed to commit self-harm; and,
working for other's amusement producing no equity.)
Making salaries more equitable, could be another way to address the matter. Based
on the above, you couldn't ever have a servant for a Birthday party, nor a
Wedding. Yet still, do you need one? But having to pay more equitably, that is
every person more equal consumption, for an hour worked; could mean not
frivolously employing a waiter, vs. not paying an NFL star to risk his life. While
we all need to hold equity and savings, we could all consume the same, but some
person owns the Empire State Building.
But even with slave labor, Waiters don't build the economy, and a lot of what is
going on right now *is* about building the economy. At least slaves would build
real equity. Waiters will not. So while one way of solving the problem could be
paying more equal consumption per hour worked, thus we would not frivolously
employ, nor compel risk taking, for pay, nor high pay, we do need, at the same
time, to hold capital savings in private hands.
All the above said; working to commit the self harm of risking COVID, and building
no equity, while doing so, both at the same time, is really the big issue here.
There's no argument in my mind that it's ludicrous. Even so, people need jobs,
but it would be/should be, COVID that put them out of a job, but I guess people
merely take risks for money, which is serious, when they have no other option.
It's more the fruits of our Capital, that produces, than our labor. Maybe
ex-waiters, and the like, should just have free cash to spend, to a degree. With
still more incentive than that, to earn, as we need to finance Capital and
Intellectual Capital - School, to make the Country yet wealthier.... Perhaps money
if you're trying to get to School, or are going to school. The Macro-Economy is
at stake here.
A movie theater can be run by a few people, serving hundreds. And let's not
confuse Commercial Entertainment *Services*, with Commercial Entertainment
*Capital*. We do want Big Screen T.V.'s right? For if we went to prohibiting
Capital, it could be anything... from Children's Toys to Christmas Trees. Anything
that you enjoy. Still, jewelry made out of Gold is a colossal waste. People die
mining Gold all day. Costume jewelry may be a sufficient substitute product. (In
Russia, the waste of the likes of the Faberge Eggs - extremely expensive art -
contributed the Russian civil war, and over half a century of Marxist Communism,
which caused the Cold War.)
Selling contagious poison, as food and recreation, while building no equity, is
yet my big question to America. The more we study and think about this issue the
richer we may become. COVID is a new and fairly unstudied topic. As the more you
analyze, the more you know how to allocate, and the richer you become. What do
logic, reason, and intelligence ultimately and further dictate? To know, we have
to think. This is a question so far, if it's not clear.
"Those who remember always that they know nothing, and who have become willing to
learn everything, will learn it.
...Think not you understand anything until you pass the test of perfect peace" - A
Course in Miracles
"My fellow Americans, you're owed nothing less than the truth." - President Joe
Biden, - March 11, 2021
How is there non-essential work being done, ever. While "work from home if you
can" is a great law, and taking all consumer and employee precautions, and
protection, is imperative; isn't all work essential?
Rather than "Non-Essential Services," "Commercial Entertainment Services" and
perhaps "Commercial Entertainment Real Estate," should be eliminated.
If the movie theater were a "public" structure, that could be reserved to show
your rented movie to hundreds, at least we would be able to use the structure over
and over, vs. building a movie theater or a football stadium instead of housing.
Yet the people providing the "non-essential entertainment service" produce no
equity whatsoever, and after the waiter's work is done, he goes home having
produced NOTHING. No dinning room table to last years. A mere food store in the
movie theater is notwithstanding.
So "Public" Entertainment Real Estate," is that still bad? So, do we want
"Entertainment Real Estate" at all?
1. Real Property, 2. Personal Property, 3. Consumption.
Service is a Consumption, unless it produces Personal Property (or Real Property).
Consumption is all gone once the work's done. A gardener's work lasts a couple
weeks. I guess you have memories of a waiter's service.
Plus, is it really anyone's passion to be a waiter? How about a masseuse, or a
whore, or are those even more important than haircuts as healthcare, but do people
want to do it, how about to be in a show, on Broadway or in a play? It's their
passion? You think it's not work? People should wake up happy every day to work.
Are these people happy? Don't we want to eliminate _work_? Life is about art,
and science, and friends.
Should _art_ be all hobby? You can cook for your friends. Not be enslaved for
other's entertainment and amusement.
"The foundation of empire is art and science. Remove them or degrade them, and
the empire is no more.
Empire follows art and not vice versa as Englishmen suppose." - William Blake
"Sex and art are the same thing." - Pablo Picasso
Left Brain/Right Brain = Science/Art
"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."
- Albert Einstein
"Beauty is truth, truth beauty,"—that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to
know." - John Keats
... if you have industry and science and you're rich!
"Love is your power, which... gives you everything."
- Jesus Christ, A Course in Miracles, Chapter 7, Section 6
Intelligent Party
2021-10-21 22:37:02 UTC
Post by Intelligent Party
Selling Contagious Poison, As Food And Recreation, Is My Big Question To America
Consumers are not even warned?
Employees are not even informed the job is to get COVID?
Waiters don't produce equity. After the service is over there is nothing to show
for it.
Rather than "Non-Essential Services," "Commercial Entertainment Services" should
be eliminated.
People TOIL for others entertainment, and amusement? Work is CREATED this way?
We let people take this big risk for entertainment which doesn't create any equity?
At least people in a movie, create a movie we have for 100 years.
"Commercial Entertainment Services:" I am talking about Broadway, Circuses, Vegas
Shows, The Opera, Waiters, and Whores.
If there is a substitute product, such as take-out for dine-in, then total
prohibition may be alright. We should endeavor to not create an illegal market,
but whores don't produce anything. Sex and property are the mountain between us.
So the lack of a substitute product seems to go to just whores, and I'm not saying
we should or shouldn't have them, but I don't agree with punishment.
Health Clubs are not even close to the same basket as "Commercial Entertainment
Then there's haircuts, pedicures, and gardeners. The work they provide doesn't
last for long.
I think I may never hire another waiter in my life. That's not the sort of job I
like to provide. I understand the Restaurant industry is huge. It is also
apparently a huge waste. Do you want to finance more kitchens for quality
take-out, or more Restaurants? We can only spend so much, and we don't have
property at the bottom. Waiters, rather, should be producing equity, or going to
school for free. Waiters could be allowed to spend the same without working, and
it wouldn't do anything at all to the economy, people would just not 'enjoy' waiters.
The governments would pull poisonous lettuce off the shelves, but there would be
other lettuce for sale. They pulled Tryptophan, which killed several people, off
the shelves for ten years, without a substitute product; do you think that was
wrong? COVID is not just poisonous food for sale at Restaurants; COVID is
contagious poisonous food for sale at restaurants. The government prohibits
poisonous drugs to be sold as recreational party-fun. COVID is not just poison
sold as recreational party-fun; COVID is contagious poison sold as recreational
Selling contagious poison, as food and recreation, is my big question to America.
And taking such a big health risk, for entertainment, which doesn't produce any
equity. But actually my question is why have such "Commercial Entertainment
Services" work, allowed in the first place. That's what we want to trade? So the
waiter can go out to eat, if there ever is a post-COVID? It's not going to make
us rich. Instead he could produce, and buy, a nicer dinning room table. Rather
than endless toil.
(And porn-stars, unlike whores, yet like a table producer, and like a movie star,
produce a product. Still, the general principle of employment law, is the work
ought not be unnecessarily dangerous, unnecessarily unsanitary, unnecessarily
injurious, nor unnecessarily painful. So, as to professional sports, they only
sort of produce a product. I doubt they'll start playing flag football in place
of NFL, or get rid of boxing anytime soon, but the purpose of Ultimate Fighting
was supposedly to figure out which martial art works best; and have they figured
that out?, and do we really need Ultimate Fighting? They can keep the
bull-fighting in Mexico, or else we'll have dog fighting and cock fighting and
other such stuff soon here. (Animal cruelty, is not a legal persuasion.) And yet
these Sports barely produce a product, too; like you watch reruns of the NFL or
Olympics much. If you want to play High School for free, or intramural, that's
another matter. But the two issues are: employed to commit self-harm; and,
working for other's amusement producing no equity.)
Making salaries more equitable, could be another way to address the matter. Based
on the above, you couldn't ever have a servant for a Birthday party, nor a
Wedding. Yet still, do you need one? But having to pay more equitably, that is
every person more equal consumption, for an hour worked; could mean not
frivolously employing a waiter, vs. not paying an NFL star to risk his life. While
we all need to hold equity and savings, we could all consume the same, but some
person owns the Empire State Building.
But even with slave labor, Waiters don't build the economy, and a lot of what is
going on right now *is* about building the economy. At least slaves would build
real equity. Waiters will not. So while one way of solving the problem could be
paying more equal consumption per hour worked, thus we would not frivolously
employ, nor compel risk taking, for pay, nor high pay, we do need, at the same
time, to hold capital savings in private hands.
All the above said; working to commit the self harm of risking COVID, and building
no equity, while doing so, both at the same time, is really the big issue here.
There's no argument in my mind that it's ludicrous. Even so, people need jobs,
but it would be/should be, COVID that put them out of a job, but I guess people
merely take risks for money, which is serious, when they have no other option.
It's more the fruits of our Capital, that produces, than our labor. Maybe
ex-waiters, and the like, should just have free cash to spend, to a degree. With
still more incentive than that, to earn, as we need to finance Capital and
Intellectual Capital - School, to make the Country yet wealthier.... Perhaps money
if you're trying to get to School, or are going to school. The Macro-Economy is
at stake here.
A movie theater can be run by a few people, serving hundreds. And let's not
confuse Commercial Entertainment *Services*, with Commercial Entertainment
*Capital*. We do want Big Screen T.V.'s right? For if we went to prohibiting
Capital, it could be anything... from Children's Toys to Christmas Trees. Anything
that you enjoy. Still, jewelry made out of Gold is a colossal waste. People die
mining Gold all day. Costume jewelry may be a sufficient substitute product. (In
Russia, the waste of the likes of the Faberge Eggs - extremely expensive art -
contributed the Russian civil war, and over half a century of Marxist Communism,
which caused the Cold War.)
Selling contagious poison, as food and recreation, while building no equity, is
yet my big question to America. The more we study and think about this issue the
richer we may become. COVID is a new and fairly unstudied topic. As the more you
analyze, the more you know how to allocate, and the richer you become. What do
logic, reason, and intelligence ultimately and further dictate? To know, we have
to think. This is a question so far, if it's not clear.
"Those who remember always that they know nothing, and who have become willing to
learn everything, will learn it.
...Think not you understand anything until you pass the test of perfect peace" - A
Course in Miracles
"My fellow Americans, you're owed nothing less than the truth." - President Joe
Biden, - March 11, 2021
How is there non-essential work being done, ever. While "work from home if you
can" is a great law, and taking all consumer and employee precautions, and
protection, is imperative; isn't all work essential?
Rather than "Non-Essential Services," "Commercial Entertainment Services" and
perhaps "Commercial Entertainment Real Estate," should be eliminated.
If the movie theater were a "public" structure, that could be reserved to show
your rented movie to hundreds, at least we would be able to use the structure over
and over, vs. building a movie theater or a football stadium instead of housing.
Yet the people providing the "non-essential entertainment service" produce no
equity whatsoever, and after the waiter's work is done, he goes home having
produced NOTHING. No dinning room table to last years. A mere food store in the
movie theater is notwithstanding.
So "Public" Entertainment Real Estate," is that still bad? So, do we want
"Entertainment Real Estate" at all?
1. Real Property, 2. Personal Property, 3. Consumption.
Service is a Consumption, unless it produces Personal Property (or Real Property).
Consumption is all gone once the work's done. A gardener's work lasts a couple
weeks. I guess you have memories of a waiter's service.
Plus, is it really anyone's passion to be a waiter? How about a masseuse, or a
whore, or are those even more important than haircuts as healthcare, but do people
want to do it, how about to be in a show, on Broadway or in a play? It's their
passion? You think it's not work? People should wake up happy every day to work.
Are these people happy? Don't we want to eliminate _work_? Life is about art,
and science, and friends.
Should _art_ be all hobby? You can cook for your friends. Not be enslaved for
other's entertainment and amusement.
"The foundation of empire is art and science. Remove them or degrade them, and
the empire is no more.
Empire follows art and not vice versa as Englishmen suppose." - William Blake
"Sex and art are the same thing." - Pablo Picasso
Left Brain/Right Brain = Science/Art
"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."
- Albert Einstein
"Beauty is truth, truth beauty,"—that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to
know." - John Keats
... if you have industry and science and you're rich!
"Love is your power, which... gives you everything."
- Jesus Christ, A Course in Miracles, Chapter 7, Section 6
