(too old to reply)
Intelligent Party
2021-12-27 21:12:19 UTC

This coincides with Trump's notion of 65% per capita GDP, of each of the 3,000

This will be 50% of the per capita GDP, AFTER TAXES, of each of the 3,000 Counties.

Or else, better yet; determine the real 50% per Capita GDP, AFTER TAXES, of each
of the 3,000 Counties (including state and local taxes).

Raise by 5% of the County’s per capita GDP every three months, or $1 every three
months, whichever is higher.

United States per capita GDP varies,
from $31,881 in Mississippi, to $65,545 in Massachusetts (In 2009 Chained Dollars):
[The U.S. Department of Commerce uses 2009 as a base year:

Miss. at $31,881 * 65% = $20,722.65, /2080hours = $9.96/hr under this notion.
Mass. at $65,545 * 65% = $42,604.25, /2080hours = $20.48/hr under this notion.

Between the 3,000 Counties, the per capita GDP disparity, is even greater, than
between the States.

Underemployment masks true unemployment.

Take 1-2 years to raise, so as not to shock. (COVID just shocked, and they didn't
give a sh*t at all).

So, every 3 months, raise the minimum wage 5% of the County's per capita GDP, or
$1, whichever is higher, until it reaches 65% of the County's per capita GDP, or
$65% of the lowest State's GDP, whichever is higher. Or determine the 50% thing.

Trump and Hilary discussed raising the minimum wage, in debate in 2016, Trump was
thinking of 65% of per capita GDP of the County, while Hilary said $12 per hour.
Trump and Biden just discussed it in debate Oct 22, 2020. While Biden says he
supports a $15 Federal Minimum Wage, Trump says $15 would be ruinous in some
Counties. Trump should have gone with the prior notion of 65% per capita GDP of
the County:
Trump and Biden in Debate:

Trump saying at least $10 Nationwide, in 2016, he never passed this:

$15/hr would be too high in Mississippi, and too low in Massachusetts.
$15/hr * 2080hours = $31,200, which would be 97.86% of per capita GDP in
Mississippi, and 47.60% of per capita GDP in Massachusetts (in 2009 chained
dollars). Yet we want 65% per capita GDP everywhere. And to make it higher, you
would have to limit spending at the top (which is a separate idea). We have to
protect capital savings.

Twenty-one States, have a State or Federal, minimum wage of $7.25/hr = $15,080/yr.

Five of those States, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, and
Tennessee, have no State minimum wage, yet only the Federal of $7.25/hr = $15,080/yr.

Sixteen of those States, have a State Minimum wage equal to the Federal of
$7.25/hr = $15,080/yr: Idaho, Utah, Colorado, Texas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, North
Dakota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Indiana, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Virginia,
North Carolina, and Georgia.

The Federal Minimum Wage of $15,080, is 47.3% of per capita GDP in Mississippi,
and 23% of per capita GDP in Massachusetts (in 2009 chained dollars). Yet we want
65% per capita GDP everywhere. And to make it higher, you would have to limit
spending at the top (which is a separate idea). We have to protect capital savings.

It's like if you were trying to make the minimum wage in Mexico, the same as in
the United States; it wouldn't fly.
Mexico's Per Capita GDP is $10,405, (Mexico's GDP _PPP_ is $21,362).
(Likewise Mississippi's GDP _PPP_ may be higher than $31,881).

We have to protect capital savings. But we can't build an economy by not having
an economy. There will never be an economy for the slaves, if they don't build
one through spending anything, relative to the existent capital. We will never
allocate resources correctly, and build the economy where we need to, if we don't
start at the bottom. We need to build the economy from the ground up.

I envision a much brighter future, for America, if we raise the minimum wage, as I
indicate. Look into the future, and see what you see. I'm an economist. Trust me.

Also, a low minimum wage is apparently correlated with a higher State prison

The punishment for crime in most of the fifty U.S. States, is either slavery, or a
dungeon, and that is abomination.

*NOTE, these numbers are actually not adjusted for inflation. There is 2.5%
inflation per year; 25% inflation per decade. They have been discussing raising
the minimum wage for some time. Based on inflation, it would be as if Biden were
saying 'make the minimum wage $19.50 nationwide,' and $13 per hour in Mississippi,
and $26 per hour in Massachusetts. Inflation is exponential.

The $13 is Hilary's $12 now, (Donald's $10(?)) with the inflation. Hilary's
already inflated 20% from the $9.96 listed at the beginning of this post. That's
how it would be $13, if for the whole nation. The bare minimum; but not high
enough, except in Mississippi.
If you go to
and compare Mississippi 2009 chained GDP to (scroll down) 2019 Mississippi GDP,
you have $40,464/$31,881 = 1.269 = 27% increase over 2009. United States total =
$65,281/$50,577 = 1.29 = 29% increase over 2009. Massachusetts $86,942/$65,545 =
1.32 = 32% increase over 2009. [So those previously calculated minimum wage
percentages are even lower].

So I conclude, that the answer is:

Every 3 months, raise the minimum wage 5% of the County's per capita GDP, or $1,
whichever is higher, until it reaches 65% of the County's per capita GDP, or $65%
of the lowest State's GDP, whichever is higher. Not to be higher than 65% of the
highest State's GDP, and not to be affected by new States admitted to the Union,
except as determined by Congress (New States will use States already previously
part of the Union, unless otherwise determined by Congress, and States can have
higher minimum wages themselves).

(So if your County's per capita GDP, is lower than the per capita GDP of the State
of Mississippi, you use Mississippi's per capita GDP.)

(The State Government can still make the State minimum wage higher, if it wants).

Keep in mind there will be no money for retards under this plan. The jobs that
they ever could have worked will be eliminated. However, I do not envision an
increase in unemployment. Rather, I believe raising the minimum wage will
significantly stimulate the economy. I envision a much more robust economic
future for the United States.

Also, if the per capita GDP of Washington D.C. is really $200,000 as Wikipedia
indicates, then this is why we also use just 65% of the highest State's GDP
whichever is _lower_, for both Washington D.C. and any Counties who's GDP's are
higher than the highest State's GDP. At the moment New York State, $90,043 =
$58,527 /2080= $28/hr would be the highest minimum wage in the Country, for
Counties both in and out of New York State, who's 65% per capita GDP is as high or
higher than $28/hr. Rather than indicating a $130,000, $62.50 minimum wage in
Washington D.C.

Also, a useful link may be: Wikipedia "List of United States Counties by per
capita income" This is not per capita GDP, but per capita income. I presume
they're using debt or asset spending to make per capita GDP higher:
[Data for the 50 states and the District of Columbia is from the 2009–2013
American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates:
Data on the District of Columbia does not seem accurate or correlated in this
page: $45,290.]

As for the 5% or $1 raise every three months; Start with the State’s minimum wage
if it is higher than the Federal of $7.25.

Finally, TRANSFER FREE CASH of 50% of the after tax minimum wage on a monthly
basis. This is 25% per capita GDP; to everyone over 18 years of age. The net of
the free cash plus earnings, cannot be higher than the full time minimum wage. The
amount of free cash shall be reduced until recipient's earnings and free receipts
amount to full time minimum wage, of 50% per capita GDP after taxes.

Part time jobs are the only mal-point there, but workers don't really have control
over hours worked, and so it's not really a point.

TRANSFER FREE CASH of 25% of the after tax minimum wage on a monthly basis. This
is 12.5% per capita GDP; to everyone under 18. The net of the free cash plus
earnings cannot be higher than the full time minimum wage. The amount of free
cash shall be reduced until recipient's earnings and free receipts amount to full
time minimum wage, of 50% per capita GDP after taxes.

So far, under this plan, there is no different minimum wage for people under 18.
If there were, that would either get them less pay, or jobs easier, or some of both.

You can get 3 months forward and 3 months back, each, maybe; 6 months upfront if
needed. Amount is determined by residence declared in the highest County be Per
Capita GDP, so people have more money if they move, to a more expensive part of
the Country.

The point is not to spend nor to save, but to spend exactly the right amount, and
on the right things (and to save exactly the right amount). Building the bottom in
consumer products requires spending money. 1. Consumption, 2. Personal Property,
3. Real Property. Otherwise we will never build the Supermarkets and Stores which
provide these products and what people want. It's all a question of what to
finance. Due to COVID more spending at Amazon.com has built Amazon.com more, and
will allow Amazon.com to reduce prices. Building these companies is in the
interests of the American people, as these companies can then have economies of
scale like Walmart. Average costs are reduced when quantities increase, and fixed
costs stay the same. But the free market must determine which companies to build.

Fiscal Spending can merely increase inflation and the interest rates, and these
will only go up if we reach maximum output. We need to stimulate the economy to
make up for the lost businesses to COVID. But we can only finance so much
ultimately, and what is it that we want to finance? Even so, the economy hasn't
been at maximum output since 2000*. Also, waiters don't produce anything, and
would be better off building and buying dinning room tables rather than working
as, and buying, waiters.

Other things we can spend on/finance include:

Needs are (in no particular order):
1. Energy, 2.Communication, 3.Food, 4.Housing, 5.Transportation, 6.Medical &
Dental, 7.Education, 8.Sanitation

1.Real Property, 2.Personal Property, 3.Consumption

Not sufficiently developed nor therefore commoditized:
1. Mattresses, 2. Shoes(athletic, boots, supportive dress), 3. Housing, 4.
Vehicles 5. Electricity.

Free Abortions - in the first trimester /14 weeks; there is no ghost in the fetus,
and with no parental consent - this is mandatory.
Free Sanitation - Dumpsters and Porta Potties for the homeless - this is mandatory.

San Diego has free trash pickup for a large percentage of its residents. Maybe
ALL dumpster services should be paid for by the Government. Otherwise it's the
difficulty of charging homeowners for dumpsters while those living in vehicles can
still have free access to dumpsters. Porta Potties are not an issue in this way.

"Since 1986, the city has collected trash from single-family homes but not
apartments, condos, private streets or gated communities. Residents of
multi-family units and their landlords have to contract with private companies to
handle their trash."

One's right to park a bus in a residential neighborhood, and live in it
nationwide; if there is no notice not to park in front of, nor directly across
from, someone's house, as view could be blocked, nor block business signs. A bus
or RV is a wall of car. A vehicle with a kitchen, bathroom, and bed, is the
minimum acceptable housing. But a shelter is a row of beds for no more than three
nights, and tent is miserable, but provides more privacy than a shelter. Some
tent dwellers have cars a few blocks away.
Everyone produces 1/2 bag of trash per day, whether they live in a vehicle, a
tent, or a home.
Stop cities from betraying the public trust by having preferential parking where
it is not needed - as they may rush to use this method to ban RV's.

(*rates were up from 2005-2007 tho)
Intelligent Party
2022-01-02 08:38:49 UTC
